Your Family Tree Magazine

Spring 2009


Lincoln's Inn Admissions 1420-1893

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Nearly 500 years of records from this society

Publisher: S&N British Data Archive
t. 01722 716121
Price: £17.95

Who hasn't dreamed at some point of a manorial estate or a stately pile, antlers on the wall, armour clanking in the wind and a colourful ancestral crest above the inglenook?

COntaining two volumes of admissions, which combined cover over 450 years of records, this CD gives details of the Honourable Society of Lincoln's Inn in London - but this is nothing to do with a local pub where your ancestors might have drunk!

Lincoln's Inn is one of the four Inns of Court. These were professional associations of which every barrister in England and Wales must be a member. Luckily for family historians, it appears that the Inns kept excellent records. Spanning more than 1,000 pages, this huge document includes details on thousands of members with information on dates of admissions, fathers' names, and counties of origins. Also included are christenings (1716-1806), marriages (1695-1754) and burials (1695-1852), which took place in the Lincoln's Inn Chapel.

More Information:

London, Lincoln's Inn Admissions 1420-1893 available from

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