Your Family Tree Magazine

May 2010


Visitation of England & Wales: Vol 21 - 1921

Visitation of England & Wales Vol 21 - 1921

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Pedigrees of 43 families from 1921

Publisher: S&N British Data Archive
t. 01722 716121
Price: £14.95

Anyone who believes they may have noble roots, should have a look at the latest series of CDs from S&N Genealogy, containing Heralds' Visitations from 1896, 1902 and in this case, 1921.

There are 43 pedigrees included, with extensive histories and biographies of most people covered. There are also coats of arms or at least descriptions of them. This disc will only benefit a small percentage of family historians, but it's a tremendous resource for those whose families are mentioned.

More Information:

Visitation of England and Wales Volume 21 - 1921 available from

Find more Genealogical Research Data CDs records at