Your Family Tree Magazine

July 2010


Dwelly's Monumental Inscriptions for Devon

Dwelly's Monumental Inscriptions for Devon

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Inscriptions of Devonshire graves and a roll of honour for WWI.

Publisher: S&N British Data Archive
t. 01722 716121
Price: £14.45

Dwelly's parish records were compiled in 1918 and contain Bishops' Transcripts, monumental inscriptions (MIs), and parish registers for Anglican and nonconformist churches.

This CD contains Volume Six of the records, which covers MIs in the Devon parishes of Lynton, Countisbury, Brendon, Martinhoe, Trentishoe, Parracombe, Bow, Zeal Monachorum, Bridford, Doddiscombsleigh, Christow and Ashton. Each section covers one parish, and includes an introduction to the churches within it. This is followed by the MIs, which tend to include name, ages and dates of birth and death. These are extremely valuable, given that many of the graves in question are now illegible or have sadly been destroyed.

Given the year of publication, the Volume handily includes a roll of honour for men from the county that were killed or wounded in World War I. This is split into Army and Navy, but only includes each soldier's initial and surname.

With no central collection on MIs in sight, CDs like this are most welcome.

More Information:

Dwelly's Monumental Inscriptions for Devon available from

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