Who Do You Think You Are?

November 2009


Sarah Williams reviews this month's new data CDs for family historians

Johnson and Tesseyman's Directory - City of York 1872

Johnson and Tesseyman's Directory - City of York 1872

This resource includes a street, trades and residential directory covering not just the City of York but also neighbouring suburbs, villages and towns.

Freemen of the City or Norwich

Freemen of the City of Norwich 1317-1603

This index, first published in 1888, lists the names and occupations of those made Freemen of Norwich - an honour that bestowed certain privileges. With around 6,250 names listed, it's well worth visiting if you have managed to get back that far.

S&N Genealogy Supplies
01722 716121

Review by Sarah Williams

Find Out More:

Yorkshire, York 1872 Johnson and Tesseyman's Directory from GenealogySupplies.com

Norfolk, Freemen of Norwich 1317-1603 from GenealogySupplies.com

View more family history and genealogy products at GenealogySupplies.com