Who Do You Think You Are?

June 2010


Matt Elton reviews this month's new data CDs for family historians

Dwelly's Monumental Inscriptions
for Devon

The digitally-enhanced and bookmarked transcripts on this disc date from 1918 and include both monumental inscriptions and Rolls of Honour for local people serving in the army and navy. A total of 12 parishes are listed, including Brendon, Martinhow and Bow.

Kingswood School Register

If one of your family studied at this school in Bath, founded by Anglican cleric John Wesley, you may be able to trace them with this set of registers. As well as the names, dates of attendance and later careers of pupils, a list of masters and governors and a history of the institution are also included.

S&N Genealogy Supplies
01722 716121

Review by Matt Elton

Find Out More:

Devon, Dwelly's Monumental Inscriptions for Devon from GenealogySupplies.com

Somerset, Kingswood School Register 1748-1910 from GenealogySupplies.com

View more family history and genealogy products at GenealogySupplies.com