Practical Family History

May 2007

The War IllustratedThe War Illustrated

If there had been a Channel Tunnel...

'If there had been a Channel Tunnel!' is an interesting article, looking at how the course of the war may have been changed had the Channel Tunnel been built in the 1900s.

How would the war have changed course if the Germans has taken control of the Channel Tunnel? Would they have taken it easily if they had made it their main objective?

For the Germans, the tactical advantages are obvious, putting them within easy access of the UK. The advantages of a Channel Tunnel to the Allies would also have been great. Supplies and troops could have been easily shipped to France, therefore easing the stress on the Navy in the Channel and creating a vital artery for resupply.

The War IllustratedThese topics and political issues are all discussed in this piece and, now that the tunnel has actually been built, it is interesting to reflect on the points made.

The boxed set of The War Illustrated, containing all nine volumes (234 issues), costs £39.95 plus £2.50 p&p from - individual volumes are also available.

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The War Illustrated - available from

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