Family History Monthly

June 2007

Kelly's Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire 1915 Directory

This directory comprises a massive 1,1350 pages of information. Historical and topographical details are given for each town, village and parish, while most pages are devoted to listings of tradesmen and private residents. Details of local authority officials, police and magistrates are also included - although military information was omitted for securuil reasin, Digital enhancement means that pages are easily read using Acrobat, while navigation is easy as pages are bookmarked and searchable.

£17.45 (plus p&p).
S&N Genealogy Supplies, West Wing, Manor Farm, Chilmark, Salisbury, SP3 5AF.
Tel 01722 716121

Kelly's Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire 1915 Directory

FIND OUT MORE: Kelly's Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire 1915 Directory is available at