Family History Monthly

August 2010

Dwelly's Monumental Inscriptions
for Devon

£14.45 (plus £2.50 p&p) from S&N Genealogy Supplies, West Wing, Manor Farm, Chilmark, Salisbury, SP3 5AF
Tel: 01722 716121, Web:

Dwelly was a prolific transcriber of parish registers, Bishop's Transcripts and monumental inscriptions around a century ago, with the book reproduced on this CD being the sixth in his Devon series.

It records the monumental inscriptions of 12 parishes - Countisbury, Brendon, Martinhoe, Trentishoe, Parracombe, Lynton, Bow, Zeal Monachorum, Bridford, Doddiscombsleigh, Christow and Ashton. The transcription includes monuments both inside the churches and in their churchyards, along with the names on Rolls of Honour for army and navy. Photographs of the churches and of some of the monuments illustrate the text.

As this volume was published in 1908, it records extant monuments as at the early part of the 20th century. Many of these have probably disappeared in the intervening period, making the volume a vital record for the parishes concerned.

Dwelly's Monumental Inscriptions

Review by Paul Gaskell

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