Family History Monthly

November 2008

Dorset Absent Voters' List 1918-1919

The absent voters' list contains details of the electorate who weren't at home at the time of the 1918 general election because they were serving in the military, alongside a supplementary listing of those who missed the 1919 local council elections. The list is organised by polling district, and includes the name and address of the absent voter, alongside skeleton details of his military service.

A typical entry is that of Charles Burt of High Street in the village of Langton Matravers on the Isle of Purbeck. He is shown as '14302 Dorsets'. Meanwhile, Frederick Burt of the same address is shown as '24124, Regt not known'. The complete listing is in excess of 730 pages, and contains an estimated 35,000 names. That does rather bring home the impact of the war on what was essentially a rural county.

£17.95 (plus £2.50 p&p) from S&N Genealogy Supplies, West Wing, Manor Farm, Chilmark, Salisbury, SP3 5AF.

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by Paul Gaskell

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