Family History Monthly

March 2009

Irish Wills 1536-1810

Irish WillsIrish Wills were usually issued and proved by the Consistorial Court but if the deceased had property of more than £5 in value in another Diocese, then responsibility passed to the Prerogative Court, which was the Supreme Court in Ecclesiastical and Testamentary affairs for all of Ireland. This index to Prerogative Court wills was edited by Sir Arthur Vicars and published in 1897 and includes excess of 35,000 wills.

Each entry includes useful genealogical information: the year in which probate was granted, with the forename, surname, occupation and place of residence of the testator. Given the paucity of Irish burial records for the period in question, this is a most useful volume and is likely to be the only surviving record of many of the wills in question.

£17.45 (plus £2.50 p&p) from S&N Genealogy Supplies, West Wing, Manor Farm, Chilmark, Salisbury, SP3 5AF.

[t] 01722 716121


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by Paul Gaskell

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