Family History Monthly

February 2006

News from TheGenealogist

Improved search features

Several improvements have been made to the Advanced Search facilities at

  • The full census transcript searches will now let you include any field in your search, a facility which had disappeared for a while.
  • Wildcard searches have also been improved and, while you still need a group of at least three letters, these can now be anywhere in the name.
  • The requirement to always use two search terms- from forename, surname or age- is being removed from the Advanced Transcript Search. Two search terms will still be required but they can be in any of the data fields, making the search more versatile.
  • The session time has been increased so that you are much less likely to be logged off the site whilst you consult research papers or take time to enter extra information.
New 1851 and 1841 census releases

More full transcripts and name indexes have been added to TheGenealogist’s growing online data collection. These both offer references to the census microfilm images, as well as the CD page containing the image.

The new areas include the Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Essex, Hertfordshire, Kent, Lancashire, London, Middlesex, Surrey and Yorkshire 1841 census. New 1851 census indexes have also been completed, and are also available as transcripts with images. These include Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Cheshire, Essex, Hampshire, Hertfordshire, London, Kent, Middlesex, Somerset, Surrey and Sussex.

These new data sets are available individually or as part of the all-inclusive subscriptions, which cost from under £5 a month.

the genealogist yorks 51 screen shot

Several more census transcripts are now available on theGenealogist website. This image displays a search page for the Yorkshire 1851 Census Transcript, which is completed with the option to view the original Census pages.

Online vouchers

As a new permanent addition to their range, S&N have created a new collection of DVD style boxed research products. Some of these are the equivalent to purchasing a ‘voucher’ for their online services, though rather better packaged and presented than usual access vouchers. The DVD boxes contain: a CD providing one year of access to the selected online databases, a How to Research your Family History guide; a searchable index of the 20 million names found in their census and other CDs; plus the RootsMagic UK demo software.

These ‘voucher packs’ are currently available for all their London Census transcripts and name indexes online. Unlike indexes on some online census services, S&N transcripts contain all the main census fields, including occupation. The transcripts will all shortly be linked to images. You can currently purchase voucher packs covering London 1841, 1851, 1861 and 1871 census at a cost of £19.95 each for the transcripts and £17.45 each for the name indexes.

You can also buy a similar pack providing one years’ online access to the GRO Birth, Marriage and Death indexes on, complete with 200 search credits, for £14.95.

New census name indexes at S&N

London 1871 Census Index CD

If you don’t want to use an online service, two more complete London census name indexes have been released as databases on CD. They are now being packaged in DVD style boxes with similar extras to the online ‘vouchers’ above, except that they include the useful Holden’s 1811 Directory instead of the 20 million name index. These name indexes are fully searchable and contain both The National Archives enumeration page references and those for their CD image sets.

The indexes now use an improved search facility and streamlined registration system, but unfortunately they are only available to run on Windows PCs, not Macs or Linux. Name indexes, complete with the bonus content, are available for the London 1841, 1851, 1861, 1871 and 1891 censuses and cost £19.95 each (£14.95 for an upgrade if you already own the relevant S&N census set and a previous index).

S&N Genealogy Supplies & British Data Archive Ltd.

Tel. 01722 716121


Several more census indexes are now available from S&N