Family History Monthly

February 2006

Visitation of London 1633-1635
S&N Genealogy Supplies £17.45 + p&p

These two volumes, published by the Harleian Society in 1880, allow you to find the pedigree and an illustrated coat of arms of any family recorded in the Herald’s visitations of London in the early 17th century. The data includes a full alphabetical listing of all the pedigrees and is fully printable.

The Visitation of London 1633 - 1635 - available from

Lancashire and Cheshire Wills
S&N Genealogy Supplies £17.45 per CD + p&p

A series of three CDs covering the periods: 1621-1650, 1660-1680, and 1681-1700. They consist mainly of an index to wills and inventories for Lancashire and Cheshire from the Chester Court of Probate with appendices covering wills and administrations dealt with by the Prerogative Court of Canterbury.
Wills are an important source of genealogical information which can provide details of family members, places of residence and burial as well as revealing details about their possessions. They are a much overlooked resource which deserve more attention from family researchers, as they can provide many useful clues about family connections as well as revealing details of the person’s possessions.

Lancashire and Cheshire Wills 1621-1650 - available from

Lancashire and Cheshire Wills 1660-1680 - available from

Lancashire and Cheshire Wills 1681-1700 - available from

S&N Genealogy Supplies,
Manor Farm,
Tel: 01722 716121